US Army Chaplain Corps Mission
The mission of the U.S. Army Chaplains Corps is to provide religious support to America's Army.
Chaplains advise commanders to ensure the 'free exercise' rights for all Soldiers are upheld - including those who hold no faith.
Chaplains perform religious support activities according to their faith and conscience and provide religious support of other faith groups by coordinating with another chaplain or qualified individual to perform the support needed.
At the unit level, a chaplain and Religious Affairs Specialist Non Commissioned Officer form a Unit Ministry Team, or UMT, and are embedded throughout all three components of the Army -- Active, Guard and Reserve.
Army Chaplain Corps Vision - Our Future End State:
The Army Chaplain Corps of 2028 will be ready to build Army spiritual readiness by caring for Soldiers, their Families, and Army Civilians, across the full spectrum of conflict. The Chaplain Corps will do this by being a world-class, fully integrated network of mutually supportive Army religious support professionals, who are known for their integral and critical contributions to enhancing the readiness of Soldiers of all ranks.